Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Wavelet calculations.
II. Calculation of approximation spaces in one dimension.
III. Calculation of approximation spaces in one dimension II.
IV. One dimensional problems.
V. Stochastic optimization in one dimension.
VI. Scalar product in N-dimensions.
1. Two-sided area of integration, positive a.
2. Two-sided area of integration, negative a.
3. Indexing integration domains.
4. Summary. Calculation of scalar product in N dimensions.
5. Indexing integration domains II.
6. Scalar product in N-dimensions. Test case 1.
7. Scalar product in N-dimensions. Test case 2.
8. Scalar product in N-dimensions. Test case 3.
9. Implementation of scalar product in N-dimensions.
VII. Wavelet transform of payoff function in N-dimensions.
VIII. Solving N-dimensional PDEs.
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Scalar product in N-dimensions.

e are interested in decomposition of a payoff function $u\left( x\right) $ , MATH with respect to a tensor product of a wavelet basis MATH . The function $u\left( x\right) $ has the form MATH for a given vector MATH and $c\in\QTR{cal}{R}$ and MATH for given parameters MATH .

We introduce the notations MATH

In order to perform decompositions with respect to basis MATH we need to evaluate scalar products of the form MATH . Hence, we proceed with evaluation of the integral MATH

We introduce the index sets MATH and the dimensionality parameter $n$ : MATH We assume without loss of generality that MATH We have MATH where MATH MATH The $g_{p,i}$ may be evaluated with already developed means, see the section ( Piecewise polynomials in parallel ).

The set $A$ has the following representation: MATH We introduce an alternative notation for MATH : MATH where MATH For every dimension $q$ we have a subdivision MATH of the interval of integration $I_{q}$ along the variable $x_{q}$ . The entire $n$ -dimensional domain of the integral MATH has subdivision MATH The restriction MATH is a multidimensional polynomial for each $\vec{k}$ .

For every subdomain MATH that does not contain the boundary MATH the integral MATH decomposes into a product of integrals along every dimension. Such calculation is covered in the section ( Piecewise polynomials ).

We now calculate the integral MATH for a subdomain MATH that intersects the boundary MATH . We use the convenience notation MATH . If $a_{n-1}>0$ then MATH MATH MATH for some numbers MATH , $C_{n-1}$ . We arrive to the following representation: MATH Note that the integrals are of the same form as the original integral but in $n-1$ dimensions. However, in order to arrive to a recursive recipe, we need to consider a slightly more complicated area of integration MATH .

1. Two-sided area of integration, positive a.
2. Two-sided area of integration, negative a.
3. Indexing integration domains.
4. Summary. Calculation of scalar product in N dimensions.
5. Indexing integration domains II.
6. Scalar product in N-dimensions. Test case 1.
7. Scalar product in N-dimensions. Test case 2.
8. Scalar product in N-dimensions. Test case 3.
9. Implementation of scalar product in N-dimensions.

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